Contribution To Nation As A Surgeon
Major ones
- Dr. Mukut Minz with an experience of more than 37 years and 3,400 kidney transplants is one of the most sought after surgeons in India today.
- Dr. Minz is one of the pioneers of Transplant Surgery in the country.
- He is also the first doctor to perform Pancreas transplant in the country
- According to Dr. Minz, Indian hospitals are the best as far as Transplant surgery in the field of liver, eyes, pancreas, and kidneys.
- He feels the need to take more initiative to run organ transplant programs efficiently as many people can’t afford private hospitals
- External Affairs Minister Ms.Sushma Swaraj praised this doctor from Odisha for performing a successful kidney transplant surgery on her.
Area of Expertise
Specializes in
- Kidney and Pancreas Transplant (live and cadaver)
- Multiorgan Retrieval & Transplant from cadaver
- Dialysis access procedures (AV fistulas/PTFE vascular grafts for hemodialysis)
- Vascular surgery (including Shunt surgery for portal hypertension)
- Kidney transplant in abnormal bladder (ileal conduit/augmentation cystoplasty)
- Surgery for Reno vascular hypertension/renal auto transplantation
- Transplant immunosuppression
1980s vs Today
Choosing to be Transplant Surgeon
In 1980s his colleagues rediculed him when he decided to pursue a career in 'least popular' Kidney transplant. In the 1980’s Transplant Surgery was an upcoming discipline and Dr. Minz found this field of study particularly interesting. Despite all opposing talks going on, in 1986 he chose to go ahead with it; foreseeing the emerging need and importance of organ transplant in saving human lives in the years to come.
Today Dr. Mukut is known to be one of the finest Kidney Transplat surgeon, who has performed more than 3400 kidney transplants and 6 kidney plus pancreas transplant in his career spanning over 37 years. Dr Minz successfully established Combined Kidney-Pancreas Transplant Programme for type 1 diabetics with kidney failure in PGI, which is currently a leading pancreas transplant centre in North India.
In the journey of pursuing Surgery
Dr. Mukut Minz was very much inspired by his mentor Dr. R.V.S. Yadav. When he got a chance to work with him, he was influenced by him to a great extent. Dr. R.V.S. Yadav was the first one to conduct a kidney transplant at PGIMER Chandigarh in 1973.
Though it was less popular during those days, he (Dr. R.V.S. Yadav) had the courage to do it. The drugs were primitive,and the results not very good, and the acceptance among people was not as it is now. But slowly in 1980s when the new medicine came, the results began to improve.
Felt the need for advanced training in cadaver organ retrieval and transplantation
Went to Oslo, Sweden to learn Cadavar Transplatation
In an effort to improve the results in transplantation, Dr. Minz felt the need to get expertise. He went to Oslo, Sweden to learn Cadaver Transplantation. He received advanced training in cadaver organ retrieval and transplantation at various centres/universities of Norway, Sweden, Germany and USA.
After training, he could see the results started improving and subsequently, the number of tranaplants also started increasing every year. The number rose from 20 per year to nearly 250 transplanst by 2015.
The scene today
Improved results - popularized the kidney tranplant in north India
On being asked - What Kind of change has he seen in the attitude of people towards transplantation? His journey of popularizing the kidney tranplant in north India is quite well appreciated. People now willingly come to get a tranplant. No body raises a doubt. Earlier it used to be a scary affair for the people.
Now the acceptability among the people for donating kidney and undergoing transplant has increased.